Visionary Journey in Peru

A Transformative Expedition in the Sacred Valley of Peru
TBA | 2025

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Join Dawn, Whitney and a beautiful community in Peru for 6 nights of Eco-Luxury accommodations, adventure, Samadahi’s organic dishes, and deepen your connection to self through somatic healing, hypnosis, futuring, sound healing, art therapy, yoga, Temazcal and other sacred ceremonies on this incredible and expansive Visionary Journey.


In the middle of a natural environment, surrounded by mountains and ancient culture that today maintain their traditions, grows Samadhi.

Designed with the sacred geometry, Samadhi will submerge you in the universe of the los Chakras, walking through the Kundalini and wrapping you in its spaces, colors, textures, flavors and art adapted for the energy central, to know and explore your essence.



Ease into the tranquility of the Sacred Valley. Immerse yourself fully in its calming embrace. Cultivate clarity and tranquility with unhurried mornings and rejuvenating movement.

Nurture your nervous system with down-regulating practices like yoga nidra, sound healing, and meditation, for ultimate support.


Revitalize your body with exquisite, Samadahi’s organic and super nutritious dishes.

Sourced regeneratively from the land, each ingredient is naturally rich in vitamins and minerals. Indulge in a multi-sensory culinary journey, crafted with intention to nourish your mind, body, and spirit from within.


Return to the sanctuary within, a sacred space for honoring, healing, and limitless growth. Daily moments beckon you to connect with the wisdom of your body, tuning into the vibrant truth that resides within.

Each day unfolds as a journey toward wholeness, making it the heart of the entire experience—the most rewarding path to embark upon

take me there



designed to transform more than your body


Step into the enchanted energy of the Sacred Valley, where the daily grind fades, revealing the magic within. Your current situation isn't all there is—you're not broken but have forgotten your power to craft a limitless life.

Our trip is designed to help you REMEMBER your creative ability. Disrupt patterns through art, movement, nature walks, and cultural experiences. Dawn & Whitney will guide you back to co-creating your best life.

Experience a retreat that sparks joy, ignites a brilliant vision, and propels you toward a future of passion and playfulness. Break through obstacles, silence inner doubts, and commit to claiming what's yours. Let the Divine Mother's womb birth your next elevation in this portal of infinite possibilities.



3 healthy meals per day


off property excursions

 yoga, art therapy, meditations, & sound healing


classes + workshops

cacao ceremony


souvenir shopping at local bazaars




Whitney is a Trauma-informed and trained Somatic Healer, Yin, Restorative, Yoga Nidra and Sound Practitioner as well as a Somatic Breathwork Facilitator. In any of her offerings, she utilizes a range of somatic and embodiment tools, along with the wisdom of your own body to facilitate healing, develop your capacity to tend to your own nervous system, and invite in profound transformation of your inner landscape.

Whitney has been a seeker on this healing path for over 15 years, continuously learning, gathering knowledge and wisdom along my way. Early on, her curiosity around healing and thirst to know more led her to gather an abundance of different healers, guides, facilitators and leaders on a mission to spread self healing to the world. In discovering these connections and a collective mission, she uncovered what felt like her divine purpose; creating sacred spaces of belonging.

Her offerings continue to expand and evolve as she does. Currently, Whitney leads international spiritual retreats, transformational healing workshops series, Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra classes, Somatic Healing Sessions, Breathwork, Sound Healing and customized offerings for those on a path of self healing and remembrance. One of her greatest offerings and creatings has been founding Sojourn Healing Collective; a sacred space created for people to come as they are, feel supported as they heal their wounds and discover their own unique medicine to share with the world.

Learn more at 


Dawn Elle Davis mentors women to become their thriving future self now with love and success. As an oracle and multidimensional healer, she’s adept at seeing the subconscious patterns tethering you to the past. By rewriting the past and finding agency in the present moment, clients learn how to create their brilliant future. No longer held back by limitations, but rooted in endless possibilities to choose to create what they love.

Her Healing Forward method uses subconscious transformation and spirituality to deliver clients back to wholeness. Trusting that when you focus on the new identity one desires, life brings the exact curriculum to receive it. Instead of unnecessarily excavating the past, clients work on trusting they have everything to become and receive the lives they’ve envisioned.

Clients magnetize dream relationships, more success in business, and most importantly, find more fulfillment and connection within their current reality. She works with clients 1:1, in her Majestic Mastermind, and retreats.

Learn more at 


This Journey is for You if You Desire to...


your shadows for more wholeness and self-acceptance


the frequency of creation within your 2nd chakra through play, pleasure and nature




your body and how it is a portal to your intuition and manifestation

let go

of your daily routine to activate new neural pathways in a gorgeous sacred setting


access deeper layers

of your desires, creativity, and ability to co-create your limitless life

be held

and witnessed in a transformational experience while taking radical responsibility for your experience.



 shared occupancy 



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Have Questions?

Schedule a FREE 30-minute clarity call with Whitney or Dawn to learn more!

connect with Whitney
connect with Dawn


I'm thrilled that I embraced the opportunity to join the Divinely Aligned Retreat in Maui. The experience was incredibly enriching. With Dawn and Whitney's gentle guidance, I navigated challenging emotional processing in a way that felt both safe and liberating. The perfect balance of morning movement and workshops, followed by afternoons exploring Maui, allowed us to embody our learnings in the magical surroundings.

Returning home, I feel refreshed and profoundly shifted, eagerly anticipating the next chapter of my life. Beyond the personal growth, the connections formed with other women were unexpected treasures. Maui gifted me with lifelong friendships, and the retreat provided a space where vulnerability flowed effortlessly among strangers, offering a refreshing break from masks and roles found in other relationships.

This retreat, divinely aligned in timing, delivered precisely what I needed and more. Excitedly awaiting the next one!

- Emily

Whitney and Dawn are truly amazing! Together, they craft deeply transformational and even life-changing experiences. Their authenticity shines through every interaction, demonstrating genuine care for clients, students, and everyone they encounter.

Having attended multiple retreats, each time I left with a renewed sense of well-being. The impact of the alternative healing modalities they share, whether directly or through connected experts, is evident in the lives of the incredible women attending their retreats.

Personally, I've experienced profound energetic healing in this supportive environment they create. If you're seeking a connection with like-minded individuals and the potential for life-changing experiences, working with them is a joy!

- Lauren

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